Sunday Recap

1st- 5th graders

We had a great time on Sunday talking about the story of Moses. We talked about the ten commandments and all took turns sharing about which one we thought was the hardest to be follow. A lot of the students answers were so in depth and thoughtful- it was really neat to see them share their “struggles” in a safe space.

We also talked about ways we can avoid making excuses for our behaviors and actions. While students did a great job coming up with excuses to use it was a little more difficult working on ways to eliminate excuses and rather ask God for help and guidance. We enjoyed a science experiment depicting Moses parting the red Sea- be sure to ask your Covenant Kid about this!You should be proud of all of these young hearts!


Students talked about the story of Jonah; as the prophet to Nineveh. Students got to color their picture and enjoyed the video illustrating God’s merciful ways. It is such a joy to watch the students interact with their peers and enjoy learning about God together. Little disciples are in the making! Thank you for all that you do to get them to church on Sunday!

Conversation Starters

  1. How many choices do you think you make in one day?
  2. What if we made ”
    chores” and things we have to fun? What does that look like to you?
  3. What does the word mercy mean to you?

Would You Rather

  1. Eat turkey or ham?
  2. Drink hot sauce or coffee?
  3. Play flag football or tackle football?

Reinforce Learning | Watch and Discuss


Which nursery song did Jesus hear the most?

Mary had a Little Lamb!