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A Seasons of Change talk from Dr. Carissa Wott

February 24, 2018

To kick off our Seasons of Change series, Covenant Church’s own Dr. Carissa Wott shared professional insights and practical advice on how to walk alongside the grieving.

Her insights will help you better understand the nature of grief, specific challenges the grieving face, how you can most effectively support someone on their grief journey, and how to avoid the common pitfalls encountered when supporting a loved one who is grieving.

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Note: There are some issues with the audio at the beginning of this recording, but the quality and volume improve after a few minutes.

Dr. Carissa Wott

Dr. Wott is a licensed clinical psychologist. She received her PhD from Bowling Green State University in 2010. Carissa has a history of diverse work experiences including undergraduate and graduate teaching, research, and delivery of therapy services. She specializes in treatment of anxiety, trauma, and chronic illness management.

Learn More about Dr. Wott