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By January 8, 2023February 17th, 2023Covenant Kids Connection

Sunday Recap

Happy New Year Covenant Kids Families! We had a packed house to ring in the new year and new service time! We talked about the story of Balaam and ways that we can use our mouth and words to honor God. We talked about how POWERFUL our words are, and the fact that once they’re out we can’t take them back. Kids did a great job thinking about times that words either lifted them up or hurt them.


We had a packed house in here as well! Kiddos had a great time listening to their bible story and learning about Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego. We talked about trusting God and staying true to who God made us to be! Of course we also enjoyed playing and fellowshipping together with our friends!

Conversation Starters

  1. Would you rather write an apology note or say the apology in person?
  2. Imagine you’re living in times before cell phones and the internet- how would you feel and survive?
  3. What is one way you can honor God with your words?

Would You Rather

  1. Do a puzzle or draw a picture?
  2. Make a gift for a friend or buy a gift?
  3. Eat Spaghetti or dump it on your head?

Reinforce Learning | Watch and Discuss

1-5th grade

1-5th grade



  • What is a math teacher’s favorite book in the Bible?
