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By November 20, 2022February 17th, 2023Covenant Kids Connection

Sunday Recap

This week we talked about turning our grumblings into gratitudes. We talked about living in the wilderness and all of the challenges that would bring but also the beautiful views and creations of God we would be able to see and endure daily. We also talked about our Gratitude Challenge. From this week through the first week of 2023 we are CHALLENGING all Covenant Kids and their families to participate in our Gratitude challenge. The rules are simple- There are no rules- just take a look at some tangible and practical ways you can show gratitude on the attached worksheet, give of your time or talents, and be the hands and feet of Jesus. This time of year can be filled a mix of emotions wherever you’re at right now- we are with you and praying for you. If we can support your Covenant Kid or family during this season please let us know. Just as it says in Thessalonians, ” Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God for you.

We are so honored to serve alongside your family and look forward to hearing about all of the hearts changed during this intentional time of gratitude.

Pre-K-Kindergarten kiddos talked about Queen Esther and also were busy making cards and decor for the Global Connections Dinner. They did a wonderful job using their joy and artistic creativity to come up with some great cards! Feel free to join in on our Gratitude Challenge- there are so many practical ways that these kiddos can make an impact! Have an idea- but don’t see it on the list? Make your own and be sure to tag us on Social Media!

Conversation Starters

  1. What is one thing you are grateful for?
  2. How can you express your gratefulness to or for #?
  3. Share the gratitude challenge with a classmate.

Would You Rather

  1. Sail on a boat or ride on a train?
  2. Have a hundred dollars or a full day of video games?
  3. Eat chicken or turkey?

Reinforce Learning | Watch and Discuss

1st- 5th grade



Which King liked to do things on his own?

King SOLOmon.