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By October 23, 2022February 17th, 2023Covenant Kids Connection

Sunday Recap

1st- 5th grade:

We had a great time on Sunday continuing the conversation on how God is not only ALWAYS with us but he is ALWAYS RIGHT! Often times as adults we even need the reminder that although we may understand and view it is at the “right” time or the “right” decision in time we come to see that God was and is always RIGHT. Whether his timing is right, his plan for us is right, he was right about the past- the theme here is HE’S ALWAYS RIGHT! We can demonstrate our trust in him and in this fact by living like we believe when he says Jesus will come back one day.

In our own lives it is not always easy to be “wrong”. Whether it is in school, making a wrong or poor decision that heeds consequences, turning the wrong way when following a map, etc. it is hard to handle the feeling of being ” in the wrong”. It is so important to ask God for help in this area- to help us see relying on our understanding is not the RIGHT way to live- but instead we need to rely on HIM and TRUST him.


Students learned about the story of Hannah and the boy Samuel. We talked about the importance of keeping our faith in God and to pray about our needs. It is so important that these awesome kids know that there is no wrong to pray and that it is simply just talking to God. We continue to love watching these young mind grow their faith!

Conversation Starters

  1. What is one thing we can pray for as a family?
  2. Think of a time when you were wrong about something, how did it feel?
  3. When God says something will happen- will it happen?

Would You Rather

  1. Fly a plane or Steer a boat?
  2. Have a pet snake or a pet alligator?
  3. Wear a diaper for a week or a bib for a week?

Reinforce Learning | Watch and Discuss


1st-5th grade


How do groups of angels greet each other?

Halo, Halo, Halo( in english accent)…