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By October 16, 2022February 17th, 2023Covenant Kids Connection

Sunday Recap

Covenant Kids 1st-5th grade

Happy Thursday! We had a great time last Sunday talking about the story of Joseph and how God is with us at ALL times and in ALL seasons of life. What great news this is to share! No matter how young, or old, how broken, how far we’ve strayed, we can NOT ever out run God. He is there ALL ways ALWAYS. As we move into the busy season of holidays and family time let’s make it a point to keep this truth at the center of our minds, hearts, and conversations. Students are doing a wonderful job relating what we talk about to their own lives. Our prayer is that each of these Kids knows how deeply loved they are.

Preschool- Kindergarten Covenant Kids-

Kiddos are doing a wonderful job acclimating to each other in class and playing nicely together! It has been a joy to watch! We love hearing that parents are able to enjoy service knowing that their little ones are in good hands! If we can help support your child(ren) in anyway to make transitions easier we are MORE THAN HAPPY to do so. This week kiddos learned about the story of Ruth and Boaz.

Conversation Starters

  1. Talk about a time you felt sad, scared, or worried. You made it through and lived to talk about it. How did God get you through?
  2. What does the word persevere mean?
  3. What is one dream you have for yourself?

Would You Rather

  1. Be an astronaut or a professional athlete?
  2. Have unlimited supply of bubble gum or Hershey kisses?
  3. Learn to sew or learn to do the laundry?

Reinforce Learning | Watch and Discuss

Prek- Kindergarten


Why didn’t they play cards on the Ark?

Because Noah was always standing on the deck..