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By October 9, 2022February 17th, 2023Covenant Kids Connection

Sunday Recap

We had a great time on Sunday talking about something all kids could relate to; Life not being fair. Hands were shooting up in the air when we asked for examples of a time when they felt like something wasn’t fair. As we learned about the story of Jacob and Esau we also explored some of the five senses and our own ability to trust others. Students navigated through a hula hoop obstacle while blindfolded. The goal of this exercise was to show that if we trust God even when we can not see the end in sight or where his plan is taking us that by trusting him and ignoring outside influences we WILL make it through hard times or times that seem dark. The students did a great job leading one another and also taking direction from their peers. We also chatted about how sometimes we think things may seem unfair but God can turn them into something good. We had a lot of great examples including sports teams, classroom goals/behaviors, and sibling ” rights and responsibilities. We hope your student took away some wisdom from our time together! Let’s all continue to remind each other and these wonderful Covenant KiDs that even if it seems like NO ONE is listening to us and that NOTHING is fair- God is ALWAYS LISTENING, ALWAYS GOOD AND ALWAYS ON TIME!!

Conversation Starters

  1. Describe a time you felt a situation was unfair in your classroom.
  2. If you were asked to give up your bedroom for your sibling because he/she is older how would you react?
  3. What ways can we ask God to lead us away from deceit, lying, or trickery?

Would You Rather

  1. Have to dress in a hairy Esau suit or eat Jacob’s mushy stew?
  2. Eat candy corn all day or Reeses Pumpkins?
  3. Watch baseball or football?

Reinforce Learning | Watch and Discuss


What type of lights did Noah have on the Ark?