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By October 2, 2022February 17th, 2023Covenant Kids Connection

Sunday Recap

On Sunday we had a wonderful time talking about the Story of Abraham and Sarah. We learned about the importance of trusting God in all things at all times. We laughed right along with Sarah at the thoughts of of our grandparents or great grand parents having a baby when they’re close to 100! What an amazing God we serve! We also looked up the meaning of the kids’ names and many of them already knew them! It was a delight to see kids share about their name and how it made them feel! So much great conversation! We also talked about times when we’ve had to wait and be patient to get something we really wanted. Students were honest about their patience level and we had good discussion on the importance of trusting good in the waiting. We are so thankful for each one of these Covenant Kids!

Conversation Starters

  1. How old do you think your parents are?
  2. What is one thing you’ve been praying for that hasn’t happened yet?
  3. What does the word Covenant mean?

Would You Rather

  1. Be 100 or 1?
  2. Be an only child or have 10 brothers and sisters?
  3. Play dodgeball with marshmallows or water balloons?

Reinforce Learning | Watch and Discuss


What time of day was Adam created?

Just a little before Eve(ning).