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By September 25, 2022February 17th, 2023Covenant Kids Connection

Sunday Recap

Happy Wednesday! We had a great time on Sunday talking about the story of the Tower of Babel. We talked about using our God given gifts to honor, celebrate and glorify God but to not use them to overshadow God. Students threw out some of their favorite ” famous folks” Lebron James, The Kratt brothers, Dude Perfect(lol) and several others. We talked about none of their success or talent would be possible without God’s hand in their creation. Although we may look up to these stars it is vital that we never lose sight of our God and how perfect and ever present he is in our lives. When we use our gifts and talents it shouldnt be to become famous or popular but to glorify God! We pray this over all of the Covenant Kids- that their talents and unique giftings will be used for Kingdom work!

Also- we have some budding architechts in the group! We had so many EPIC towers out of magnatiles and solo cups!!

Conversation Starters

  1. Name three gifts or talents God has entrusted you with.
  2. How can you use these gifts/ talents to bless others?
  3. If you could meet one famous person who would it be?

Would You Rather

  1. Meet Lebron James or Michael Jordan?
  2. Would you rather bake a cake with Brett Favre or Peyton Manning?
  3. Build a tower out of bricks or plastic solo cups?

Reinforce Learning | Watch and Discuss


How are toddlers and those who attempted to build a tower to Heaven similar? They all babble…. HA