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By September 11, 2022February 17th, 2023Covenant Kids Connection

Sunday Recap – 09-11/2022

Happy Wednesday! We had a great time on Sunday talking about how sin can creep into our lives but more importantly about the HOPE we have in God to wipe it clean! We talked about how sinning makes us feel and how we can ask God for forgiveness and to restore peace in our mind and hearts by forgiving our sins. These kids have been incredibly brave and strong sharing real life examples of sins. You should be proud parents! We also talked about things God wants us to do and things God doesn’t want us to do. The kids did a great job coming up with things that are pleasing to God; being a good friend, telling the truth, helping others if they’re hurt, etc. We also came up with some actions that would be displeasing to God; lying, stealing, bullying, hurting your friends, not listening to your parents, etc.

Keep encouraging your wonderful kids to think about ways they can make choices that are pleasing to God and ways that they can easily say no in these situations. We talked about the WWJD bracelets of the past, and coming up with our own family decree when we need a quick and easy way to say no. Think about phrases like “Not today Satan”, a special family code word, or even “Just say no” as a starting point!

Conversation Starters

  1. Name three things you are thankful for- take a moment to thank God together for these things.
  2. If you could ask God one question at Heaven’s gates and get one answer- what would it be?
  3. How can I/we help you choose God more often?

Would You Rather

  1. Touch the guts of the inside of a pumpkin, or a worm?
  2. Live in a cornfield or a pumpkin patch?
  3. Have unlimited cupcakes or donuts?

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How does Moses make his coffee? Hebrews it. 🙂