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By September 4, 2022February 17th, 2023Covenant Kids Connection

09/04/2022 Sunday Recap

We hope you all enjoyed your Labor Day weekend! We had great conversation on Sunday on the topic of temptation, and sin and ways that we can strive to steer away from both. We took a look at the first time Adam and Eve sinned in the book of Genesis. Adam and Eve CHOSE to believe Satan’s word over God’s word. Several Covenant Kids were brave enough to share their personal experiences with temptations stemming from t.v. shows, advertisements, wanting more, and listening to friends on the bus. We talked about the key difference between a sin and mistake. A sin is knowing what the right thing to do is and still CHOOSING to do the wrong thing. A mistake is something that was not pre-planned and was done on accident.


Even in a world that is ever changing and full of temptation and sin; GOD IS STILL GOOD!!! God never leaves us without hope- afterall he sent his son to save US from our sin. The kids did a great job coming up with lists of ways we know God is good, and people that God put in our lives that we are thankful for.

We are praying God’s goodness to be overflowing in each of your families this week.

Conversation Starters

  1. What are some things God tells us not to do?
  2. What can your family decree/motto be for resisting temptation? Post to our Social Media for a prize! I.E.- ” Not today Satan.”
  3. Have you ever had to ask for forgiveness or give forgiveness? Tell us the story.

Would You Rather

  1. Live on the beach or in a rainforest?
  2. Eat apples all day or oranges?
  3. Have a skunk or a tiger as a pet?


What did Daniel tell his real estate agent?

“I’d prefer a house with no den.”