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By August 28, 2022February 17th, 2023Covenant Kids Connection

CONNECTION | Volume 001 | 08/28/2022

Sunday Recap

What a great time during move-up Sunday! Please be sure to see a Covenant Kids Staff throughout the month of September to receive your special Move-Up Sunday goodie bag!

We are praying for each of your kids and families as routines change and we transition to background school this week!

This week we jumped in to our 52 week devotional going through the bible! We learned about God’s wonderful creations! If you’re looking for ways to connect with your kids this week; check out these conversation starters and would you rather questions for quick and easy connection!

Conversation Starters

  1. What did God create first?
  2. What book of the Bible did we start in this week?
  3. What id God do on day 7?
  4. Draw a picture of your favorite day of creation and post it on our Covenant Kids Facebook Page for a special treat

Would You Rather

  1. Be a snake or an Elephant?
  2. Be a bird or a fish?
  3. Be a squishmallow or a beanie baby?

Reinforce Learning | Watch and Discuss


What did the classmate say when his teacher asked why they kept walking next to the same person at school? “I was taught to walk by faith, not sight.”