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Find your people.

Find your purpose.

We believe relationships are a vital part of spiritual growth. Community groups create a relationally rich space to encourage and support you in your walk with Jesus.

Community Groups are a place to:


Groups equip you to grow and mature in your relationship with Jesus.


Groups are open and welcoming so you can invite others to come know Jesus.


Groups are a launching pad for you to discover and use your gifts, skills, and resources to serve others.

Frequently Asked Questions

When and where do Community Groups meet?

Groups meet throughout the week in people’s homes. While most groups meet in person we do have virtual options available.  Although the details vary from group to group, one thing remains the same: we are passionate about building communities that develop, draw, and deploy people.

Why should I join a Community Group?

The Christian life is not a solo journey. God calls us to love others, share our lives, learn from those around us, and lift each other up. Community Groups are designed to be a place where those things can become a regular part of our lives.

What can I expect when I attend a group meeting?

Every group is unique, but you can expect to find fellowship, study, discussion, and prayer. At the core, Community Groups are all about living life together.

What about childcare?

Childcare is the responsibility of each community group. There are creative ways of handling childcare during a meeting, such as designating someone to watch children every week, holding a Bible study for the children, or even simply allowing children to participate in the discussion.

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