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Covenant Kids

Every Sunday our Covenant Kids get the chance to worship, play and learn in a safe and kid-focused environment. Sundays are just the beginning though, our FamJam events happen all year long and are great opportunities for families to enjoy time together.

Covenant Students

Junior High and High School students from the Bowling Green area get together every week to hang out and have deep conversations about God, life, and just about everything else. Monthly events are geared toward having fun, reaching out, and sharing life together.

Covenant Women

From students to young moms to empty nesters and every season in between, we know how important is for women to spend quality time sharing life together. Covenant women host many book studies in coffee shops and homes throughout Bowling Green as well as a great line-up of fun events just for women.

Covenant Men

Our Men’s Ministry exists to help men stay connected with one another and encourage each other by walking side by side. Small groups of men meet through the week to pray together and study the bible with the goal of being intentional about growing in faith in the midst of demanding schedules.

Community Groups

At Covenant Church, we believe that living in community is vital and that the church is most alive and most beautiful when believers are found together, displaying the incredible work of the Gospel in the everyday rhythms of life.